The 5 Chairs Presents Animisitix

Louise Evans teaching the 5 chairs that inspired Animistix

Animistix is the future of entertainment, edutainment and multi-media exploration and adventure. Each one of us on this planet experiences a range of behaviours and emotions at any given time. We can jump from happiness and gladness to fear, sadness, and uncertainty, or to the desire for risk, excitement, and adventure. How we handle our behaviours and emotions and how quickly we can shift from a moment of panic to a moment of joy, exuberance, or glee is the science behind Animistix and ‘The 5 Chairs’, the brainchild of Louise Evans.

The 5 Chairs behavioral tool teaches us how to choose our most virtuous behaviors over those unproductive and destructive ones. It is now being adopted in corporate structures, education systems and families across the globe. Our books, films, theme parks, and multimedia properties share these secrets woven through the Animistix storyline while imparting fun and a phenomenal adventure through time, space, and universes. Our heroes are teens who long to make a difference and change the world. They teach friendship, family, and the unity of all species and all people. Our heroes are our future generations. Our books and films are aimed at enchanting the soul to touch people of all ages, seamlessly bringing light into the world. When reading our books or watching our film, not only do you believe our heroes can win, but you will also feel as if you yourself have a superpower through the teachings and unfoldment of the secrets of the universe held within.

Our book will uplift your spirit and take you on the greatest adventure ever told. Our film will change the face of entertainment today, up-leveling successful properties like Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and other major multimedia giants.

Get Ready For:

The ANIMISTIX BOOK LAUNCH 2024 – penned by Louise Evans (Creator) and Nicole Brandon

FEATURE FILM: Coming Soon – Brandon Myhan, screenwriter, has joined our team of creatives to take you on the movie ride of your life. Writers Guild#: 2183974

THEME PARK: Marc Rosenthal – Theme Park Creator Extraordinaire has created a theme park you’ll want to visit again and again.

MULTI-MEDIA: Holo Creator-Technological Genius, and Wizard—Brooks Cole has created interactive media that is the future of technology and entertainment today.

Sean Callagy and UNBLINDED – revered for their teachings and of Leaders Creating Leaders. Their life lessons and super skills are woven throughout our stories for greater impact and brilliance. Their global team of legal minds, heart-centered investors, famed producers, celebrities, athletes, humanitarians, and changemakers has helped millions elevate their lives and lead and live their dream life.

Library Book


Movie Theater


Amusement Park

Theme Park